We identify the barriers.
You change the perspective.

We partner with professional women of color so you can grow into your leadership, advocate for yourself, lead your teams and build your confidence. You own the work — we create a non-judgmental, creative and fun space to do it.  

We have worked with

Women of Color need a different kind of career coaching

Because our challenges run deep and generationally. We are systematically overlooked, and that can lead to anxiety, perfectionism, self-neglect, and other challenges that hold us back in the workplace.

We care, because we’ve been there, and we’ve charted a path forward. Let us help you overcome the barriers and change the perspectives that keep you from enjoying the career success waiting for you.

Our Services

  • Career & Wellness Coaching

    The solution to career challenges may appear simple, but actual change is hard to achieve, especially alone. We help our clients to identify challenges, break down obstacles, address root issues — so they can build the career they want.

  • Speaking, Hosting, & Facilitating

    Since hosting her own show (Late Night Open Mic) year ago, Mercedes has been bringing her passion and energy to countless workshops and events across the US and virtually.

  • Consulting & Program Design

    With over two decades of experience in non-profits, we love helping organizations design more human and impactful programs that bring the change they want to see.

Meet Mercedes

Mercedes believes in authenticity and self expression, and finds immense joy in supporting her clients to lead with their own.

With over 20 years of experience in non-profit business development and 8 years of work as a career coach, Mercedes brings her activism and deep intuition to tailor sessions that are truly client-centered and client-led. She is also certified in Applied Positive Psychology via SFSU.

"Mercedes is excellent at holding space for silence and inviting in gentleness for self, re-framing when needed, and I feel like I have a true thought partner. It is incredible to have experiences validated and to not feel alone in the process."

Kathryn H.

Ready to take the next step forward?

Fill out our contact form or book a free consultation with Mercedes to see how she can help you along your journey.